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Atlis is a social media platform that allows artists to share and showcase their creative works, connect with fellow artists, and receive recognition for their talents. It is a place for artists to connect and engage with a community of like-minded individuals.

3 Atlis users and their brief description Social links of a user called 'Buildergroop'
Screenshot of Atlis feed for a logged in user named Alexander L. The focused post talks about an updates Swift course
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Created for exposure

Your content, your way.

Atlis provide the ability to give titles, embed links, images, descriptions and tags. It also support your favourite actions such as saving posts, reposting them and of course commenting

Create new thread An post about Elon Musk buying Twitter
Network icon

Created for influence


Before you realise it, you'll grow exponentially in whatever you're doing and reach new heights effortlessly

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Created for convenience

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Spider icon Powered by threads

Atlis provide threads where people can show their affection towards your work and suggest changes

Community icon Join communities

Atlis provide threads where people can show their affection towards your work and suggest changes

Network icon Network with others

Atlis provide threads where people can show their affection towards your work and suggest changes

Message icon Message people

Atlis provide threads where people can show their affection towards your work and suggest changes

An open post on Atlis homepage